14 classic rock one-hit wonders that can make it big again

Some big names here that did great with albums, but with just one great hit.
Iron Butterfly
Iron Butterfly | Michael Ochs Archives/GettyImages

So what do they say about one-hit wonders in general? Frankly, they say that as far as the music is concerned, the term only came into use, but was used for other things and people, particularly in sports (baseball).

Yet, when the term caught its use in music it went far and wide, from the fifties to today. Yet, some time has to pass for an artist or a band to be labeled as a one-hit wonder, and it is no wonder that there are quite a few of those within what we nowadays call classic rock.

And yes, you have probably heard any and all of these more than once, but there are good reasons for that and why they made it big in their prime time, and why they (well, most of them, anyway) have that timeless quality that you wouldn’t get tired of them if they enter your ears right now.

These one-hit wonders deserve another listen

Blood Sweat & Tears - “Spinning Wheel” (1968)

These guys came at the time when brass and jazz-rock were the buzzwords, and this song by the band’s singer David Clayton-Thomas made a name for them and their album of the same name (their second, actually). Yet, after it, their name sunk like a rock to the bottom of the sea, and some solid albums splattered all over the place.

The Crazy World of Arthur Brown - "Fire" (1968)

Another instant number one, another series of solid albums, and still only remembered for this song that many critics label as the end of psychedelia and the beginning of prog rock, goth rock, horror rock, and whatnot. Brown himself is still around and still asked about this song first and foremost.

Iron Butterfly - "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vidda" (1968)

Here, it depends on what version we are talking about - the original (brief) studio version that was released as a single or the live (extended) version of this walk in the Garden of Eden (as the title refers to. It was the long live version that actually propelled the original single version to the charts since the official radio stations at the time couldn’t play a single song that lasted over 17 minutes.

Shocking Blue - "Venus" (1969)

Dutch musician Robbie Van Leeuwen can probably live off the royalties from this song to this day, as his band’s version with those cool vocals by late Mariska Veres still hit the airwaves from time to time, but so do the dozen versions that came after it. Still, quite a few solid albums that followed never came close to the success of this song/single.

Mungo Jerry - "In the Summertime" (1970)

When this one was released, you probably couldn’t pass a single hotel, bar, or restaurant on the Mediterranean coast (all of it) and not hear this one, possibly alienating many a listener to this day. Let alone the fact that hit number one almost everywhere (number three in the U.S.). Yet, Ray Dorset, who wrote and sang lead vocals never came up with anything comparable after it, and he probably doesn’t care anyway.

Mountain - “Mississippi Queen” (1970)

Labeled as a sort of a supergroup at the time, the band came to prominence first for its appearance at the original Woodstock festival, with this song making it really big a year later, carrying the band’s debut album (Climbing) along with it. And while the later releases were no slouches either, the band is still mainly remembered for it.

Derek And The Dominos - "Layla" (1970)

Even though Eric Clapton assembled an immaculate band here, and the original (double) album recording sessions included the likes of George Harrison, Duane Allman, and Dave Mason, it is mainly this title song that stuck with the wider audience and for all the right reasons too. One of the reasons that is the case may lie in the fact that the band didn’t last even a year.

Free - “All Right Now” (1970)

Another great band with some great albums, but only this song from their third album (Fire And Water) made it big as a single (number four in the U.S. and number two in the UK). It is a seemingly relaxed hard rock song with soulful vocals from Paul Rogers, possibly the band’s idea of combining fire with water and making it work.

Rick Derringer - “Rock And Roll Hoochie Koo” (1973)

Labeled as a guitar prodigy at the time (he can still play a mean one today), Derringer first played this song on Johnny Winter’s Johnny Winter album. He did have a big hit before, though, but as part of McCoys and their hit “Hang On Sloopy (1965).”

War - “Low Rider” (1975)

Another set of brilliant musicians, originally coming to prominence backing Eric Burdon, and then with a series of excellent albums on their own. Yet it is only these songs from one of their best albums, Why Can't We Be Friends?, that made an indent into the charts, becoming one of the staple samples these days.

Wild Cherry -  "Play That Funky Music" (1976)

This one started as a local hit in the Cleveland area, only to make it really big (number one on the U.S. charts and elsewhere) only a few months after its release. Yet, the band’s later output (singles or albums) never made a ripple.

Thin Lizzy - "The Boys are Back in Town" (1976)

If any band deserved better, it was Late Phil Lynott’s Thin Lizzy, one of the tightest, meanest hard rock bands of its time. This, considered the band’s best song, made a moderate indent in the U.K. charts, but it certainly deserved more as did  Jailbreak, the album it came from.

The Knack - "My Sharona" (1979)

This is by many considered as the epitome of one-hit wonder status - a single song by a not well-known band at the time, who were practically not heard of after it, for whatever reason. And bad songs and albums should not have been the reason for these guys. Maybe this song was too big for their own good.

Tommy Tutone - "867-5309/Jenny" (1981)

Coming at the time when the golden age of classic rock was slowly winding down, this one is remembered not only for a high chart placement (#4 general U.S. chart #1 rock songs chart) but for an unlimited number of unsolicited prank phone calls around the U.S. at the time, and still creating phone number controversies to this day.

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