One performer shockingly rules them all in a recent Google trend

Who knew who this was? Many, as it turns out.
Yung Gravy Presents The Grits & Gravy Tour
Yung Gravy Presents The Grits & Gravy Tour | Amy E. Price/GettyImages

How much time do you spend searching Google for things? If you are a person of a certain age (let's say older than two years old) then you probably do that a lot. You probably also look for music a bunch on Google. Even if you don't like Taylor Swift, she likely is on the front page of your search.

But a lot of you know something that a lot of us don't, and you like a specific performer that many of us had no idea existed. Don't feel bad. The blame is on us. We should do better.

According to Google Trends, if you searched 2020s songs then the majority of people were also looking for a hip-hop performer named Yung Gravy. Mr. Gravy was not just in the top five of trending musical artists for that category, but he was at the top. But it is fair to ask, who is Yung Gravy?

Yung Gravy rules the roost for people doing Google searches for 2020s songs

As it turns out, he goes by many names. His birth name is Matthew Raymond Hauri, and he was born in Minneapolis. He started by producing some mixtapes and has since made a number of studio albums. He appears to even do songs with people such as Zac Brown. Yung Gravy has appeared on Jimmy Kimmel Live, too.

The oddness of his name appearing first in Google Trends is that while he has a large number of singles, only one has been on the Billboard charts. The track reached number 30. That was 2022's "Betty (Get Money)" which borrows heavily musically from a Rick Astley song. No, that is not a joke.

That is part of the trick, too. Many comments on YouTube videos of his songs say he has a lot of charisma. Maybe he does, but he is far from being the best hip-hop artist ever. He is somewhere between mumble rap and simply giving some kind of observations about things like poutine. Is he really a comedian in rapper's clothing? Possibly.

Either way, people are searching for him. Maybe they are trying to figure out exactly what they are watching. One cannot be too sure if they like what Yung Gravy is bringing or where he is terrible. Likely, he is good with it either way because people are talking about him even if people like us do not know who he is.

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