Music news: Bad Brains' H.R. still struggles, and Lamb of God singer cuts his hair

In music news for your Monday, two singers from two different bands have different concerns.
Matt Cowan/GettyImages

Loud screams and downed dreads. Bad Brains and Lamb of God. That is what will make up your music news for Monday.

H.R. from legendary hardcore band Bad Brains has struggled with mental illness for years. If you haven't seen the excellent, yet sometimes quite sad, documentary called "Finding Joseph I" about how Bad Brains got their start while focusing on H.R.'s worsening mental health over the decades, watch it. It could even maybe give you the signs of what to look for to help someone else.

In 2014, however, H.R. (which stands for "human rights" and H.R. was born Paul Hudson) has been dealing with a rare head affliction called Short-lasting Unilateral Neuralgiform with Conjunctival injection and Tearing, or SUNCT for short. Basically, per an article by Rolling Stone. after they spoke with H.R., SUNCT causes "stabbing pains every couple of minutes."

Due to previous medical issues and H.R. signing a music contract that paid him $20,000 upfront but only 2.5 percent of the rights to the music, he has fallen on extremely difficult financial times. But you can help if you like. H.R.'s wife, Lori Carns, has set up a GoFundMe page to help with the payment of H.R.'s medical cost.

Lam of God's Randy Blythe and Bad Brain's H.R. are in the news on Monday

As far as Randy Blythe of Lamb of God is concerned, he decided to cut of his dreadlocks. While he has had several hair styles over the decades (I'm unsure if he had to cut his hair while in a Czech prison in 2012 for shoving a fan offstage and later the fan passed away from his injuries; Charges to which Blythe was later acquitted), Blythe's best-known look was probably his dreads.

It makes sense to cut them, however, as it has got to be hot on stage in the summer performing to thousands with all that hair. He hasn't commented on why he cut his dreads yet, though. But let's just say it's a bit shocking to see him go from long dreads and to peach fuzz.

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