Eight neglected country-rock albums that deserve more love

Some neglected, some forgotten but still brilliant country rock albums
Erika Goldring/GettyImages
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Mike Nesmith - Magnetic South

Many listeners have bypassed the late Mike Nesmith and his wide-ranging solo career simply because he was at one time a member of The Monkees, and if you are a fan of very accomplished country rock that was quite a mistake.

Leaving aside the debate about whether The Monkees should be derided or not (and not is the answer there), Nesmith was an excellent songwriter (“Different Drum,” for example), producer (John Prine), and has a series of brilliant country rock albums of which this one (1970) sticks in memory the most. Not only is Nesmith’s songwriting top-notch, but so are his vocals, and the backup band here (The First National Band), lead by pedal steel guitarist O.J. ‘Red’ Rhodes can be counted as one of the more accomplished in country rock circles.

Little Feat - Sailin’ Shoes

One of the reasons Little Feat didn’t make it really big in the band’s prime with late songwriter, guitarist, and vocalist Lowell George was that it was actually so hard to categorize.

Were they a rock, blues, boogie, or a country band? Actually, all of those, as exemplified in this, are some of their best albums. Still, with the form of a quartet, the band had it all on this 1972 album, the perfect set of roots, Americana, country rock, whatever you want to call it, including the ultimate version of Lowell George’s staple “Willin’.”