King Woman, Bad Omens, and Electric Wizard: 3 songs to begin your day right

Miikka Skaffari/GettyImages

You might want to start your day by getting the lead out, and that's OK. But why not a little King Woman, Bad Omens, and Electric Wizard instead? Get your rage out early, and that will set you up to be shyly kind for all of the day.

It's best, and you can take this from personal experience, if you've had a nutritious breakfast, lots of water, and some great music at the beginning of every day. It clears the palate and the mind. It's freeing; Just try it.

But on your Thursday (or any other day really), you should begin by turning up your favorite streaming device, waking the kids and making them toast, and let them find their own way. Trust me, later in life they will thank you. Heck, maybe even later in the evening. Here's what you should play Thursday.

King Woman or Bad Omens or Electric Wizard? Go for all three!

King Woman - "Coil"

Let's start with King Woman's "Coil" off the fantastic album Celestial Blues. If you don't own this album I will ask you: Why do you not? "Coil" will get the blood flowing with a less intense intro and then 50 seconds in...Boom! Your day has just begun!

The sonic ability of the band is immense and you'll get your rage out of the way early hearing this tune. It might scare your smaller dogs, but they will appreciate it later. This song makes you grow as a human being.

Bad Omens - "Dethrone"

Up next, you'll play Bad Omens' "Dethrone." It's more of an immediate grab and will play well off of "Coil." This song doesn't sound like every other Bad Omens tune, but it's a good starter if you haven't listened to the band before. The video might be a bit too much if you have small children, though.

I saw BO live last year when they opened for In This Moment. Their lighting wasn't good, but their energy on stage was terrific. If you have a chance to catch them near you, do it.

Electric Wizard - "Funeraloplis"

The last song you'll have time to listen to is this foot tapper of a song from 2000. It will get the kids up and moving and dancing around (if they are, of course, possessed). It's an 8-minute opus of whatever you want it to be.

The video is really awesome, however, if you like barbarians or Vikings or something like that. Whatever it is, you can't watch it, you're too busy getting out of the house. But the last minute of the song will send you on your way a happy camper and ready to face the dregs of the day.

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