Music News: Roger Waters, Tool, Nick Cave and the Birthday Party

  • Roger Waters does a needless thing
  • More Tool in 2024
  • The Birthday Party gets a doc
Pedro Gomes/GettyImages

Don't we all enjoy it when our favorite musical artists are appreciative of their fans. The fans buy the records and buy the tickets and keep the artists paying their bills. We get something in return - great music! - and so does the artist. Some bands, such as Slipknot and KISS, are open in concerts about how much their fans mean to them.

But Roger Waters? Not so much.

During a gig last week in London, many thought Waters was going to come out and play his revamped version of Dark Side of the Moon from the beginning, but no. Instead, Waters started reading from his own unpublished memoir reportedly called, Dark Side Of The Moon: Memoirs Of A Lanky Prick. So fans began to wonder what was going on and this ticked Waters off enough to tell his audience to "F*** off!" and many did.

Classy, Mr. Waters. Very classy. (Not.)

Roger Waters, Tool, and Nick Cave are all in the news

In better news, Tool not only has many dates left on the current leg of their 2023 tour, but the band has also announced a bunch of extra American dates they will play in 2024. After an almost two-month-long hiatus, Tool hits the road again starting January 10 in Baltimore, Maryland. The tour winds throughout the country until the band finishes in Las Vegas on February 18.

If you haven't had the pleasure of catching Tool live, you should. They are intense but not overly angry and know how to entertain. So save up now for your expensive tickets.

And in other news, Nick Cave's early band, the Birthday Party, is getting the documentary treatment. The doc is called Mutiny in Heaven and will be in theaters in the United States and Australia this autumn. The doc borrows heavily from long-ago interviews instead of something new.

For those unfamiliar with Nick Cave's first band, the Birthday Party isn't much like the Bad Seeds. The music is more aggressive and distorted and Cave has not yet evolved into someone who comes across as quite conservative and religious. In other words, the Birthday Party was really fun!

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