Singer for iconic rock band from the 1970s threatens to quit (again)

One band seemingly struggles more than others.
32nd Annual Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony
32nd Annual Rock & Roll Hall Of Fame Induction Ceremony | Kevin Kane/GettyImages

What must it be like to be the vocalist of an iconic rock band? One travels the world and sings to millions of fans and can never afford to have a bad concert. That is all some people will ever see and ever remember from the band. The pressure is real.

This is especially true for a second or third vocalist for a legendary band unless no one liked the original singer. That is rare. In the case of the rock band Journey, Steve Perry will be viewed by loads of fans as one of the best vocalists in the history of music. When Perry was in his prime, he could hit exceptionally high notes and emote with ease.

Since 2007, Arnel Pineda has mostly been the vocalist for Journey. A huge reason for this is that he could sing exactly like Perry before he could even speak English well. In a tryout to replace Perry, Pineda impressed immensely.

Arnel Pineda threatens to quit Journey again

This has not gone without some social media hate of Pineda, though. Again, some fans still want Perry and always will. Even Pineda mentioned in 2014 that should the band and Perry want to reunite, Pineda would step aside. That obviously has not happened yet.

Pineda also struggled with hearing and pitch concerns in concerts over the years. The band turned the stage volume down so that the singer would be able to stay in tune better. Then a mess occurred at Rock in Rio earlier in September and Pineda was slammed on social media. He was extremely off-pitch and even apologized on social media.

He also went a step further on his Facebook page. He stated that if one million people posted "GO" in the comments section that he made about the Rock in Rio debacle then he would definitely leave the group and Journey could find a new singer. As of this writing, though, only 7.9k people have commented and most were supportive and asked him to "stay."

Perhaps the saddest part is that only nearly 8,000 people had commented. Had Taylor Swift asked the same question about herself on her social media pages, likely millions would have responded. The fact is that Journey is no longer truly relevant and is simply a karaoke version of their 1970s greatness.

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