Six incredibly underrated shoegaze albums

Some great melodies and guitar buzz are to be found.
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My Blood Valentine - Loveless

If you look at any number of "best of" lists for different rock genres, there is always a contention about which single album is the best. Not the case with shoegaze. Any list you check there, one band and their album are always at the top - My Bloody Valentine and their masterpiece (always on almost every general rock "best" list) Loveless.

It is not certain what Kevin Shields MBV’s mastermind meant with the album’s title. The album itself was obviously with years of love-filled recordings with such great concept behind the use of guitar sounds, some of which were never heard before, but were so much imitated later on.

Galaxie 500 - On Fire

At the time of this album (1989), Dean Wareham, who was responsible for most of this album was proclaimed as a new rock prophet. Yet, later on, it seems that his other two partners, Damon Krukowski and Naomi Yang came up with work that resonated more with the fans. 

Still, On Fire remains one of the masterpieces of what can be dubbed as "quiet" shoegaze, as the guitar effects are not so prominent. There is that sound prominent for the genre in some excellent guitar histrionics from Wareham, and an excellent production by Kramer.

Slowdive - Souvlaki

Those familiar with Greek cuisine know how good a souvlaki pita wrap can be quite tasty when done well. And this Souvlaki (1993) from a quintet that was so prominent within the first shoegaze wave, went their separate ways and then reformed recently, is more than just tasty.

Their initial album Just For A Day was a true slab of shoegaze catching the attention of the fans. It is on Souvlaki where Rachel Goswell, Neal Halstead, and the rest of the band step up, particularly in the songwriting department. The presence of Brian Eno on two tracks had an additional influence.