12 classic rock bands that featured more than two lead singers

Some bands find it necessary to replace their lead singer. These bands had multiple lead singers.

Three Dog Night in concert
Three Dog Night in concert | Watal Asanuma/Shinko Music/GettyImages
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Tell me if this sounds familiar. When you first hear the Beach Boys, you figure it’s all really just one voice. Sometimes it’s a little higher, and sometimes it’s a little lower. There’s always harmony. But you don’t really distinguish voices. Since they’re always singing about surfing, girls, and cars, it all kind of sounds the same.

Then, as you listen a little closer, you begin to realize that certain songs have slightly different vocal attacks. Some are a little rougher, and some are a little more delicate. Some are nasal. OK, pretty much all of them are nasal – but to different degrees. And you come to realize that there are different voices taking the lead on different songs.

You then come to learn that Brian Wilson, who wrote most of the songs, sang most of those high, delicate numbers. Mike Love – high, but not quite as high as Brian – had the tougher voice and sang about cars and schools (being true to them, in particular). Then you start to realize that the best vocals were probably done by someone else, who upon further inspection, turns out to be Brian’s little brother Carl.

And that the other brother Dennis, sang a couple of the numbers too. And finally, you learn that one guy who only sang harmony, Al Jardine, also sang lead on one of the band’s biggest hits, “Help Me Rhonda.” And you go full circle. Realizing that it didn’t really matter much who was singing, because they could all sing.


Brian Wilson: “Wouldn’t It Be Nice”
Mike Love: “That’s Not Me”
Carl Wilson: “Good Vibrations”