Music news: Corey Taylor on mental health and Duran Duran gives back

Two different musical artists apprach issues that really matter in a very good way.
Scott Dudelson/GettyImages

Can we all just agree to try to keep each other alive? Maybe there are those who don't want everyone to be healthy and happy, but they won't be reading this article (I hope). Instead, I will focus on what Slipknot frontman Corey Taylor has said about mental healthy and a concert that Duran Duran is doing to help raise funds for cancer research.

During a Q and A with fans in England in August, Taylor was talking about his own struggles with mental health and how he learned that everything will be OK. Maybe things won't work out exactly as one hopes they will, but then we can move on. I realize that is more easily written than done, and getting over trama is never easily done, but sometimes the only way of finding hope is acceptance.

According to Corey Taylor during the Q and A when he mentioned what he would tell his younger self who was struggling with depression, "I would tell my 18-year-old self that it's going to be okay, because no one ever f*****g told me that. And anyone who needs to hear that, right now, listen to me. It is going to be okay, no matter what is going on, it is all temporary. And you can get through it because you're f*****g stronger than you think."

Corey Taylor talks mental health and Duran Duran performs a benefit show

Taylor seemed extremely genuine when saying those words. Either way, that is all true. If you are struggling, just know you are stronger than you could ever believe.

The members of Duran Duran have been attempting to help founding member Andy Taylor in his battle with prostate cancer. Over four years ago. Taylor was diagnosed with stage 4 prostate cancer. On Saturday. Duran Duran is holding an exclusive benefit concert. All the proceeds will benefit the Cancer Awareness Trust which is a UK-based charity that helps fund new cancer treatments.

The concert is being held at the Guild Theatre in Menlo Park, California. Tickets are $500 and can be purchased at the Guild Theatre's site. Whether you live close by or can catch a late flight, the cause is worth the price you will pay.

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