Dave Grohl hateful backlash seems to be a bit too much

Grohl has turned out to be human after all.
Foo Fighters at the Roskilde Festival 2024
Foo Fighters at the Roskilde Festival 2024 | Joseph Okpako/GettyImages

One might wonder if Dave Grohl physically attacked someone with all the social media hate he has gotten in September. The Foo Fighters frontman is not perfect, mind you. This is certainly not a defense on behalf of Grohl's sainthood. We here at AudioPhix do not personally go to Grohl's house for dinner, though we would if asked.

His sin is that Grohl had an affair, fathered a child out of wedlock, and has admitted to such. Some act as if Grohl is the first person to ever make this mistake. He is not, and he will not be the last. That doesn't mean what he did was right, but that is between him and his family and friends. Some on social media act as if Grohl's affair personally affected their lives. It didn't.

This might be different if the Foo Fighter had been a jerk his entire career. We could rack up his error in judgment as just another Grohl-ism. We would expect him to do wrong, but unlike some well-known people in the world, he has not been found guilty in civil court of sexual assault or committed a felony. Oddly, that person seems to go right on as if nothing is wrong, and Grohl gets attacked.

Dave Grohl being treated as if he has committed a heinous crime

The truth is that what we should care about is the music the Foo Fighters make. Sure, if someone is a fan of a band who has a band members that has badly physically hurt another then one might think, "I don't want to be a fan of this band anymore."

Grohl did not do anything that consensual adults did not agree on beforehand, so no one was harmed except that what he did negatively affected his family. That is really none of our business. He should have done better for his wife and children, and he will need to live with those consequences.

The Foo Fighters have now announced they will take a hiatus (and some shows were canceled) for an undisclosed time so that the band can spend more time with their families. We can understand the greater picture, of course.

The truth is that some are as guilty of judging a person they will never know of wrongdoing because they have a computer. Dave Grohl had an affair. It doesn't affect social media trolls' real life.

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