A dozen songs that music fans think have a different name

These songs are likely well-known, but ironically, the names of the songs might not be.
The songs have a different name than many might think
The songs have a different name than many might think | Jason Koerner/GettyImages
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“TOUCH OF GREY” by The Grateful Dead (1987)

What it might have been called: “I Will Get By”

The highest-charting Dead song ever. Lyricist Robert Hunter was a Californian who was said to be distantly related to Scottish poet Robert Burns. Perhaps that’s why the Dead opted for the traditional English spelling “grey” instead of “gray.” As with a lot of Hunter's lyrics, there is a subtlety and wit to his words, which almost slips by unnoticed.

He hides the title in a middle verse, “Every silver lining’s got a touch of grey,” and then brings it back in a totally different context toward the end – “Oh well, a touch of grey – Kind of suits you anyway.” Did I ever tell you about when I tried writing a song? One of the lines went, “Feel so lonely I could die – Think I’ll eat some more peach pie.” So, I’ll defer to Hunter.

“LAZY EYE’ by Silversun Pickups (2006)

What it might have been called: “I’ve Been Waiting”

There’s not really a chorus in Silversun Pickups’ first single. It’s kind of a verse-bridge-outro surrounded by jagged guitars. “I’ve Been Waiting” is the opening lyric, which is repeated a couple of times. I initially figured that was the name. I would never have guessed it was “Lazy Eye,” which Brian Aubert just kind of rushes through in the middle of a verse. I suppose that’s more prominent than the title of the next hit they scored – “Well Thought-Out Twinkles,” which I don’t think shows up in the lyrics at all.

“LITTLE LION MAN” by Mumford & Sons (2009)

What it might have been called: “Not Your Fault But Mine”

I would have preferred “Not Your Fault But Mine.” I think that would have been catchy, and it kicks off the chorus. “Little lion man” is slipped into the middle of the verse. It’s repeated once, but it’s not nearly as prominent as the “not your fault…” phrase. Still, in a beautifully scripted song with simple-sounding lyrics that belie a more serious examination of self-reproach, the cryptic title is a solid choice. We don’t know for sure who the “little lion man” is. A father’s son? A younger version of Marcus Mumford’s narrator? Kind of makes you think.

Which, I suppose, isn’t such a bad tack for a song title to take. I mean, they can’t all be “Love Me Do,” right?

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