Kiss' Gene Simmons has advice about the Smiths that Morrissey cannot follow

Gene Simmons of Kiss has some interesting advice for Morrissey, but the Smiths' singer is incapable of following Simmons' suggestion.
Morrissey Performs At Wembley Arena
Morrissey Performs At Wembley Arena | Jim Dyson/GettyImages

Kiss bassist Gene Simmons knows a few things about making money. His band might not have always made life-changing music - that likely stopped sometime in the early 1980s - but he and his bandmates have spent decades of touring and raking in the cash. When he gives advice to others on how they can increase their cash flow, he knows what he is saying.

Former Smiths singer Morrissey and guitarist Johnny Marr have not always had the same business acumen. Morrissey has made a habit of turning off record companies and needing to find his own way. Marr and Morrissey have also gotten stuck in lawsuits in a battle over the rights of the Smiths' music.

There have been some calls for Marr and Morrissey to set aside their differences in hopes of having a reunion tour in much the same way Oasis has announced their own reunion tour in 2025. Fans want to see the Smiths again. Morrissey and Marr are not going to allow that.

Gene Simmons of Kiss has advice for former Smiths front man Morrissey that the singer cannot follow

Speaking with Forbes recently, Gene Simmons chimed in on Morrissey and Marr passing up a potential $100 million payday to get back together and play some live shows. The problem is that on the surface, Simmons' idea is simple. But nothing is simple in terms of how the Smiths do business.

Simmons advised Morrissey that he should get the band together, call it the Smiths, and tour without Marr. The problem is that Marr actually owns the trademark rights and intellectual property of the band. Morrissey can't tour with a band called the Smiths unless Marr is involved, but Marr could tour as the Smiths without Morrissey.

The truth is that either Marr or Morrissey touring and calling themselves the Smiths without both being involved would be a money grab and a lie to fans. This is likely why Marr has never done it. Still, for music fans everywhere, the two should just set aside their differences and make some new songs and tour again. You only live once.

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