Best pop-punk and emo albums of the early 2000s

These incredible albums still hold up.
Mark Lambie / El Paso Times
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So much has changed over the last twenty-four years. The turn of the century ushered in a new world of technology and access never seen before. The world was changing, but so was the music world, with the end of the 90s sprouting a resurgence of boy bands and young pop stars like Christina Aguilera and Brittany Spears.

Other genres were finding their growth as well. Bands like Green Day and Blink would initiate a push of pop punk to the front of the stage. More bands would follow and see an opening in their music.

Another result is that this would start a golden age era with bands made of kids in their garages, basements, or wherever they finally had a place to go. Pop Punk would take the stage.

Best pop-punk and emo albums of the early 2000s

From the year 2000 til now, a large number of fantastic albums have been launched and continue to. Some you grew to love, some you loved and forgot about, and some may have missed your radar. Twenty-four years is a lot to cover here, so, here are the best pop punk and or emo-type albums from 2000 to 2004


I have to start this one with my favorite of the year, the top of the five years, or all time, the Self-Titled Album by New Found Glory. This one is golden front to back. I remember hearing "Hit or Miss" for the first time, and I don't think I'll ever forget that. I bought this CD multiple times between wearing it out and the different editions they released. It's the top album of the year, for sure.

Perhaps I Suppose by Rufio is the most underrated album of the year. Their sound is like nothing else, and the way they burst into our limewire downloads was so fresh. This album from Rufio is not only the best they ever did, although the other albums were great too, but one of those pivotal albums for a generation of bands coming up. Many influences are drawn from the Rufio style by bands even today.

Green Day deserves a lot of credit for most of the bands throughout this list. They were a big inspiration, and their first few albums changed the game. I no longer pay much attention to this band; their style grew out of me. Warning isn't the best release from this band, but it was pretty underrated compared to the previous releases. It started a slight change, and I still really enjoy this record. It's one of my favorite albums and one of the best albums to release in 2000.

The music Chris Carrabba is responsible for is a mountain of hits and incredible bands, and his own greatest hits are on top of that. Dashboard Confessional was a massive movement in the way of acoustic songs, lyricism, and songwriting; just one guy and a guitar would pave the way for some of the future solo, emo-type bands and artists that would come along. Swiss Army Romance is one of those great pieces of art that not only holds up to this day, but the album changed many lives and helped many people open up and get through their breakups.